
What Is Mesh Integration?

Hair Loss Solutions at Perfectly Posh Hair Salon in Hungerford

The team at Perfectly Posh hair loss clinic in Hungerford are specialists in finding hair loss solutions for women who are experiencing sudden baldness, thinning hair or hereditary hair loss.

Designed to help men and women who suffer from moderate to severe hair loss, hair mesh integration is an excellent way to disguise hair loss. Whether you’re suffering from hair loss caused by alopecia ariata,  or simply want a different hair colour or style, our mesh systems are comfortable to wear and look completely natural.

Book your mesh integration appointment or consultation in Hungerford today by calling our friendly team on 01488 686465.

Treatments For Hair Loss In Women

We are dedicated to supporting the emotional and physical effects of hair loss in women. Around one in every three women in the UK will experience issues with hair loss or thinning in their lifetime. If you have thinning hair or are suffering from patchy hair loss, we can highly recommend our Integrated Mesh System where we blend your existing hair with real hair to give you thicker, fuller, natural-looking hair.  Mesh integration uses a form of netting also known as a mesh. This is cleverly and discreetly secured to your head.

Completely undetectable and incredibly secure, once attached your hair can be styled and treated as normal, allowing you to carry on with your life with absolutely no restrictions to your routine.

Female Pattern Baldness In Women

You may have noticed that your parting looks wider than before, or that your hair is thinning near the temples. Our revolutionary non-surgical hair loss treatment known as Mesh Hair Integration may be just what you’ve been looking for! 

At our hair loss clinic in Hungerford, we understand that many women struggle with hair loss and that it can be distressing when you don’t know what’s going on or what to do. Sometimes hair loss can be reversible, but this depends on what is causing your hair loss in the first place. Come in for a consultation and we will assess whether your hair loss is reversible or not. 

Telogen Effluvium is a form of sudden hair loss. Many factors can cause this such as improper nutrition, severe stress, hormonal imbalance, pregnancy, genetics, age, and major surgery. There is also a well-established link between emotional distress and anxiety and thinning hair

Thinning Hair In Women

If you think you are losing your hair, or that it is thinning, please make an appointment to see our hair loss specialist who can look at your scalp. Salon Owner Krysia is an expert at treating various hair and scalp conditions and providing expert advice and treatments for a number of common hair loss issues including alopecia hair loss, telogen effluvium, trichotillomania male & female pattern baldness and more

Book a Hair Loss Consultation at Perfectly Posh Hair Salon in Hungerford

Our highly qualified and experienced team can help with diagnosis and recommend the best treatments for your hair loss. Please call us today on 01488 686465.

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