
Gemma Attends Aveda Institute London

Perfectly Posh Hair & Beauty Salon, Hungerford, Attend Launch of Aveda’s Worldhood Tour

aveda worlhood tour at perfectly posh hair salon hungerford

Last week, our very talented Junior Designer, Gemma was invited down to London to attend the launch of Aveda’s #worldhood tour. This inspirational event was hosted by Aveda’s Global Educator Bea Carmichael & Global Artistic Director Ian Michael Black at the amazing Aveda Institute in London.

Gemma was truly inspired by the Aveda Global Artistic Team and learnt all about the latest fashion and hair trends and how to get creative with hair colour.  Having the ability to personalise and customise looks to suit the individual is key to achieving a great hair cut and style.

#avedacolor #worldhood

To book your Aveda hair & beauty treatment at Perfectly Posh Salon in Hungerford, please contact us on 01488 686465.

aveda worlhood tour at perfectly posh hair salon hungerford aveda worlhood tour at perfectly posh hair salon hungerford

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